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Tuesday 12 May 2020

The Day Of The Nurse (During COVID-19)

Armour of P.P.E.
They bravely fight to set us free
Tight-fitting masks; sore faces marked
With tear-stained cheeks and broken hearts 
They walk the halls and tend the sick 
Through visors, hot gowns sewn thick 
All this kit weighs a ton
A nurse’s job is never done 

Days roll on... endless nights
Since they’ve been home; held loved ones tight 
Exhausted, but they don’t give up  
They soothe, hold hands through latex gloves
Holding phones when their patients can’t  
Last words they witness; haunt their hearts
Hear families’ final goodbyes
When loved ones can’t be by their side 

Their kindness we’ll not forget 
Their passings; we’ve mourned and wept
As like our loved ones, some have died
Now the angels, they stand beside 
For they are heroes of our time
Gave selflessly for your life and mine 
Let’s value them always
Toast “The Day of the Nurse” today

Two hundred years today 
Florence Nightingale’s birthday 
So our gratitude, through clapping let's show
Light a candle in all of our windows
In grave darkness, they share their light 
They give us hope when we lose sight 
A special kind of breed 
Helping us in our greatest need

©  Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry.
     Image by Luke Jones from Upsplash

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