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Monday 2 December 2019

Dylan Thomas

Sixty-six years and one day, dear poet, since you slipped into the good night 
Forever leaving us to nestle in the tall, happy green-bladed fields of Fern Hill 
Painting our minds violet with characters’ vivacious, innermost voices 
In ”Under Milk Wood” which you never, yourself, tragically managed to record 
Opening our eyes up to the joyous beauty of nature strewn all around us 
As you lulled us with rhyming, rhythmic, lyrical lilts of chiming language 

You had a gift so bright that it consumed you and “set fire to the stars”
Begging us, like you, to wring every last drop out of our lives 
To rage against death to which you, ironically, sadly succumbed too soon
Your childlike soul evident in your words, reminding us of the wonder in everything 

Manchild, raving drunk; yes but also a talent revered even within your lifetime
A voice of deep dramatic velvet tones which on every word the audience hung 
Left for us to wallow in its emotive essence and its crystal startling imagery, still
No you didn't tread as gently in life as perhaps you ought 
To you the silvered glints of old age; they never came; they failed to cage you 

There's no denying your poetry prowess but as so often with genius, sanity was fraught 
Dear ”son of the sea”, fine poet of Wales, you'll
forever rage in our hearts 
And sing in our minds in starstrung poetic, hypnotic anthems of golden gilt verse

 @ Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry 

When Mars Was Ours

When Mars was ours and all of time stood still
Talking hours and hours perched on windowsills
When the star-paved sky was a bridge to you 
That I’d cross in dreams to be close to you 
When Mars was ours and all of time stood still

Now here we are, physically, side by side 
Further apart... “I love you” feels like lies   
Did I do something wrong... has our love died?
As Mars no longer burns... within your eyes 

When Mars was ours and all of time stood still
As we signed in love with a moonbeam’s quill 
Did you forget... how lost we were apart? 
Is my heart now caught... still your work of art?  
When Mars was ours and all of time stood still

Thought we'd always be; never get our fill 
Yet here I am... alone; missing you... still!  

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry 


With each misguided step, we take, 
we get closer to our goal 
Upon life's ladder of misfortune,
ironically, it appears... 
we must break, before appreciating whole

The dark and light they compliment, 
there is solace in the grey 
Hatred and fear; for God... religions war
...there must be another way 

So take my hand, my poetic friend
and with words, we'll soothe the cracks 
Then wounds... they will heal, 
enlightenment... will reveal;
They'll be no longer a need, for wisdom, to look back

For with this glue, of our kindred bond,
like-minded others we'll attract
Together as one, we'll embrace the world,  
the hatred we'll extract

Sharing words of peace, sharing words of love 
encouraging the world, through poetry... to get along
Then in a world awash with new empathy
...we can ALL finally belong 

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry 

Gingerbread Heart

My heart is not a game 
Please be careful... with its pieces 
Maybe I'm not right... insane 
Or maybe I'm just too aware of what life teaches 

Trapped in relentless pain 
Trembling wings... too scared to unfurl 
My pure heart, I cannot tame 
I just want to love... be loved and appreciated 

Simple... is all I need 
I have no need... for words... cryptic
Just need your love, not to wane 
Listen to what my soul’s light, inside of me... preaches 

Perhaps I should refrain
From these, my soul purged words... pledges
Yet I know you want... the same 
It’s carried on the waves... the wind; your heart... it reaches 

Are you here to remain? 
Or to paint my echo... deftly   
Is your heart true... feels the same 
Or thirsty... intrigued; If so, mercy...I beseech you 

I am no empty frame 
Please do not... misunderstand me  
My sweetness... it is not feigned   
My gingerbread heart crumbles... as love ... it releases  

So if it's... as you claim 
Within your words of rhyme... rearranged 
Please no longer... be restrained
Don't leave our precious love unrequited… felt, but speechless   

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry 

My First Taste Of Winter Snow

From beneath, 
I watch the snowflakes dance diligently 
Winter's graceful fire flies, 
hovering around the lamp light's amber glow 
My eyelashes, 
adorned with wet, 
glittering jewels 
Crimson cheeks and cold violet nose... 
violently painted;
vibrant brushstrokes of the biting breeze,
leave a blushing

I look on, 
as the fields are gently blanketed in a still... 
shimmering, snowy beauty
Cars and roads, 
draped dramatically, 
in a thick alabaster, 
velvet veil 
I witness the trees trimmed, 
in winter's bespoke ball gowns of spectacular, 
stitched sequins 
An archaic scene of sublime winter wonder...
a vivid vision of awe...
my eyes will, 

The wailing winds,
fill my ears as they echo
all around me 
Crisp white snow 
sings out its stark, 
staccato song
I watch as everything before me is iced in fine, 
fanciful icing sugar
Coated in winter's ashen... 
my first taste of winter's
...snow fall
© Debbie Razey 2019 both poem and image 

Lunar Lighthouse

Beneath the stars, we’re not alone 
Whispers of light, we feel at home 
Our stardust eyes spiral the sun
Fibonacci souls with hearts undone   
Beneath the stars, we’re not alone 

Lunar lighthouse with haloed head
Warm moonbeam arms, her comfort lends 
To us, she speaks, she is our friend 
Her boundless love, it knows no end 
Lunar lighthouse with haloed head

Ancient wisdom, it chimes... resounds
In silent tongues, love’s essence loud 
For those who listen, gifts profound
Celestial glow, perspective’s found 
Ancient wisdom, it chimes... resounds

Greed’s darkness breeds hate’s undertows  
Beneath the stars, we’re not alone
Please teach us love to flow instead 
Lunar lighthouse with haloed head
In empathy, hope... let’s be bound 
Ancient wisdom, it chimes... resounds  

©  Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry.

Tangerine Dreams

From gramophone starfish and sirens rise
They float drift free on tangerine lit waves
Towards the moon through Wendy’s window eyes 
Turtle salutes with rainbow wayward gaze
For he has seen from shell the world evolve 
Mosaic blasts of planets in his eyes 
In starfish beats and siren wails dissolves 
Beyond my sight he plods in ink spilled skies  
Neath bone skull moon suspends the mobile stars 
Entrancing tune hypnotic sight spins on   
Forever lost am I with anchored heart 
Both babies hands and broken hearts reach long 

Where are you now my Peter Pan dual heart?  
With glowworm thread can I be stitched... restart? 

 ©  Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry

Drunken Syllables

Drunken syllables dance before me 
Drunken syllables weave 
Drunken syllables, they prance disorderly 
Drunken... they deceive
You may think a poem’s fragile 
You may think it sweet 
You may think a meter docile 
Syllables... in their seats 
But when a line refuses, 
is hostile 
That’s when rhythm 

Drunken syllables march disobediently 
Drunken... two left feet
You may think a word is just a word 
Letters threaded neat 
But beneath a word’s ink-glossed coat 
Syllables you will meet 
Nameless sounds, linked Stickle Bricks
Guttural croaks...

Drunken syllables dance before me 
Drunken syllables weave 
Drunken syllables, they prance disorderly 
Drunken... they deceive
As a Poet it can be a battle 
To make the verses flow 
Trying to rhyme and not just prattle  
Making words chime... just so  
As syllables are tricky 
Hard to tackle 

Drunken syllables, they jeer heedlessly  
Drunken syllables take their toll
As they will not stand identical 
Will not stand up tall
They won’t line up symmetrical
They won’t conform at all
Trip higgledy piggledy,
dropping feet
Drunk syllables 

Drunken syllables dance before me 
Drunken syllables weave 
Drunken syllables, the bane of poetry 
Drunken... their mischief 

©  Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry

Stolen Moment

Back door
kisses beneath 
the stars; semi naked 
in your arms as our smoke spirals plume
Eyes fixed
betwixt; moon filled 
kisses famished; just to breathe 
as hands trace outlines cast in skin 
Cold stone
door frame, climbing
limbs stretch, entwined, twisting vines;
moans purr... echoes into the skies
Your hand, 
I take; lead you
down to orchard’s lush ground
where trees with us sway... blossoming 
our love 
cold air, our hands
guiding iced ecstasy; 
our sensations elevating
Mouths dance,
break free; glide down 
passion’s epiphany
...ravenously taste each other’s 
bare thighs collide
as you dive into my
yearning pool of deep elixir’s
of me your love 
breathes; fills endless longing, 
reaching summits we come undone 
Wrapped in 
darkling, we sigh
glistening; dissolving 
into the velveteen night sky one 

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry


Hope lies here in this my heart; I lay before you.
You can’t see but it’s here; I promise to show you 
Take my hand, don’t be afraid; please, I implore you 
Here I’ll stand; I’ll never leave; l’ll
not ignore you 

For you, my dear, fill me up with inspiration 
Quell your fears, to help others in desperation 
Reaching out without a moment’s hesitation 
Seeking out with such empathy, dedication 

Let me hold up a mirror to your affection 
Then you’ll feel the love you give without exception  
I’ll unfold, gently smooth away all your tensions 
Help you heal; feel again love and exultation 

Your sacrifice; I’ll repay with loves reflection
With my heart; I’ll keep yours safe with love’s protection 

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry.


a black hole 
feelings overlapped, packed tightly
so no light may permeate the nothingness of you 
Yet, you’re not devoid but neither can you be defined
you’re layer upon layer of
hued perplexity

©  Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry


Shine out your soul’s light even in darkness for the world needs more like you
Hide not your hearts or weary heads, for my friend I am here for you
Incandescent is your true essence, a beautiful light to behold
Never dull down yourself for anyone, no matter what you are told
Eventually your light cast on others will return, tenfold, to you; so we can all bask together within love’s light so true .

©  Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry