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Monday 2 December 2019

Gingerbread Heart

My heart is not a game 
Please be careful... with its pieces 
Maybe I'm not right... insane 
Or maybe I'm just too aware of what life teaches 

Trapped in relentless pain 
Trembling wings... too scared to unfurl 
My pure heart, I cannot tame 
I just want to love... be loved and appreciated 

Simple... is all I need 
I have no need... for words... cryptic
Just need your love, not to wane 
Listen to what my soul’s light, inside of me... preaches 

Perhaps I should refrain
From these, my soul purged words... pledges
Yet I know you want... the same 
It’s carried on the waves... the wind; your heart... it reaches 

Are you here to remain? 
Or to paint my echo... deftly   
Is your heart true... feels the same 
Or thirsty... intrigued; If so, mercy...I beseech you 

I am no empty frame 
Please do not... misunderstand me  
My sweetness... it is not feigned   
My gingerbread heart crumbles... as love ... it releases  

So if it's... as you claim 
Within your words of rhyme... rearranged 
Please no longer... be restrained
Don't leave our precious love unrequited… felt, but speechless   

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry 

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