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Wednesday 11 January 2023

Mermaid's Prayer

What has become of us... happened to me?
Showered you with kindness... true empathy
You weaponised my love; made dreams... nightmares
Slashed, stripped our trust's bedrock.. doused me in fear
Tried carrying your cross… demons you spore
They crucified me harshly.. to my core
Don't understand... what did I do to you?
Lonely? Wished me to suffer... just like you?
If that was plan; well done... you have your prize
For I near drowned in hellscape's dire demise
But mermaids' hearts, you see, they breathe... loves' light
I'll rise, outshine you... and your wretched plight!
My soul was born from galaxies beyond
Stardust stitched, moonlit scars... they'll make me strong!

© Debbie Razey 2022 ~ Violet Moon Poetry


Autumn's Reflections


It’s Autumn again, my favourite time of year, mystery... fun-filled fright

Green leaves, dutifully turn burnt-coloured hues... take flight, enthral, enrapture

Great bonfires ablaze, now celebrate... what once was poor Guy Fawkes plight 

All Hallows Eve, where the dead grow near... 

thin veil of death, it fractures 

Where Trick-or-Treaters, take to the streets... and bright fireworks splash-paint dark nights 

When bold trees disrobe, sky grows cold and Persephone... Hades captures 

Autumn is when myth and magic reign... imaginations’ Fall captures

Pumpkin lanterns carved, homes adorned, scary costumes donned... mischievous fright 

Lewd fiendish beasts, vampires, ghouls, ghosts... frequent trepid shadows of stark nights

Children search the sky, for witches in flight... through fear, they are enraptured

Their homes, by spirits, will they be invaded... throughout ages, time fractures 

Easy to forget history’s regret... tragic Lancashire Witches’ plight  

In 1605... through religious divide, Parliament was in plight

Lucky, was King James the second, Guy Fawkes was thwarted... finally captured

Failed plan to overthrow the monarch, Gun Powder Plot flawed... trust fractured

Fireworks delight, this special night, commemorates... once true, deadly fright 

Ironically now, celebrate yearly festival... enraptured  

In this day and age, at any age... we look forward to Bonfire Night  

Autumn’s Samhain of ancient Celts... Harvest feast to dispel colder nights

Sacrificed animals for survival, to get through winter.. their plight  

In ethereal mythologies, ancients were completely enraptured

From ceremonial Need-fires... torch light, each family would capture 

Supernatural beings or dead souls killing livestock... was their fright 

Portals, fairy mounds, shrouded Otherworlds... were opened, thresholds fractured 

I love Autumnal eves, starred skies, open fires... watching flames fracture

Hot chocolate mugs, wooly socks and Welliebobs... drinking in the air’s cool night   

Evening walks in leaf carpeted parks, dripped in moonlight... I feel no fright 

With legend and lore, entertain, keep warm... to pass long evenings, my plight   

Enjoy hotdogs, treacle toffee, parkin... childhood deliciously capture

Family huddled around fire... as children listen, with wide eyes, enraptured 

Fall’s beauty... wondrous work of art, even when young, I was enraptured

Bushes and trees afire, through leafless branches... how light gently fractures 

Nature’s deft pallet, makes for magnificent photographic captures 

This time of year, sky’s azure more clear... obsidian velvet nights 

Plants and trees lowly fall to their knees... in respect of Demeter’s plight  

Nights’ temperatures chill, the wind wails fear, as Cerberus howls... what a fright  

When flowers die, in draw longer nights... think of futile homeless plight

For while we’re warm, enraptured in our perfect photograph captures

They’re out there, their sanity fractured...

cold and alone... filled with fright   

© Debbie Razey 2022 - Violet Moon Poetry

November Poem


You, my Love, are a November poem
Blown in on an exhilarating breeze
My heart's eddy.… spiralling fire-hued leaves
Intoxicated…. you're my opium
Left aching, craving... needing... only you!

But where are you now.. has heart's season
Tribulation's thunderstorms.. our dreams drained?
Please tell me.. does our love now dissipate?
Was to dare love, hope... deluded, deranged?
Uttered words of "us"... now all that remains?

From fabric of stars... I'd spell out your name
In patchworked nebulas... my love proclaim!
A forever love... throughout time and space
'neath night's blanket, you'd never feel alone
My scribed constellation would keep you warm

For you are imbrued... deep within my bones
Your voice, soul's essence... makes hurt's pain atone
Please don't leave love out... to perish in cold!
When we could have peace... build very own home
Far from December's relentless... snowstorms

So if you want me, my Love... send words on wind
Quell cruel Winter's... creeping doubts of intent
Raise leaves, make Phoenix heart... cyclone again
Make our love's fate, at last breath... not repent
Before our life's clock hands... are all but spent!

© 2022 ~ Violet Moon Poetry both Poem and Narration
Art made with photoleap AI

End of Year


Now upon the year, we look back

Long evenings reign... become pitch black

It's time again to make good cheer

Now we look back, upon the year

Finale... winter's bright jewel 

New Year, Winter Solstice...grand Yule 

Lit decked trees... Mistletoe, Holly 

Winter's bright jewel... finale! 

So celebrate, with loved ones... friends

Year's ups and downs... are at an end

Peace, kindness... to all demonstrate 

So with friends, loved ones... celebrate! 

We can't know, what next year will bring 

So let’s raise roof... together sing! 

In gratitude... let our love show 

What next year will bring... we can't know! 

© 2022 - Violet Moon Poetry - Debbie Razey