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Thursday 12 May 2022

Platform Poets

Can you see my soul through your glasshouse stoned eyes

society’s spider web false ceiling disguise 

Thinking and feeling people with centipede legs

Spreading across continent's 

trying to bury bombs in pages of books 

Only to be misunderstood... their hearts! 

Finding each other in the thin pale edge of reality 

In vague, obscure, abstract lines of deft poetry 

that our forefathers the beats drifted in from the west

Minds wanting to be authentically true... to their own unique selves  

An unabated, unapologetic way of seeing 

A wild abandonment of emotion

Bleeding... onto endless scrolled highways 

A byway parallel to the more frequented universe 

The galactic path... most commonly travelled 

Civilisation has become cursed and we don't want to be part of this plastic prepacked mania

The feigned, fake... allocated boxed, slots of hysteria 

Underneath filter upon filter... of sheer subterfuge 

Beneath a deluge of digital dazzling distraction 

A mere fraction of existence... only actually being lived 

Lorded through hypocrisy’s vain, catfish sieve 

Of benign nonchalance, we’ve begun to congeal 

In a concealed tomb of a life-proof, love-proof lego world 

Bohemia... scattered like stardust into the dirt 

Poets, artists punching out the walled frame... that draws in;

suffocates... as oppression leads to depression 

Regression of the collective cosmic mind

Trying to scramble through the labyrinth 

Astral anarchists... travelling the night skies 

Decadents of dissidence... slaves to our phones 

Across many times zones... vibrating in sync

Crosscountries in a sprint... as we rave at the dying moon 

and pray in emojis...that soon we will touch with our art 

Our splayed dissected rambunctious hearts

Of paint clay and ink... words notes and blinks of minds’ eyes 

Through multiples of Pi... concentric cycles 

A colony of wayward bees... upon the static breeze 

breathing deeply in through the archaic roots of life blood trees 

As we realise water is life and within it, we all need to flow 

Into the unknown... of a melody written upon constellations... a long time ago 

In an indelible ink... invisible to the naked eye

Only to be felt, like lay lines, at the cores of our very beings 

In Fibonacci’s sequenced... cadence of time 

We are the social media Bards… the Platform Poets’ renaissance 

Letting our spherical minds unfold... unwind into the analogue  

recoil back into the soil... where our hands belong 

In tune with nature’s slow, sweet song... of simply being 

We don't wish to play this insane delusional... diabolical game  

In a subdued, drug-fueled... diluted consciousness

We are the renegades of rage 

and we... from word flowers

will make honeyed love!