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Saturday 14 November 2015

My Dream...

For my children my dream is that they will grow;
in love, heartfelt compassion and kindness
...that they will know
the difference between wrong and right;
to see no reason to take up arms and fight
That they will spread joy and tame misery, 
that they will learn to believe...
in the power of peace and empathy
...this is my dream!

© Debbie Razey 2015


In Peace let us stand!
Instead of retribution, 
let's empathise... understand
Through LOVE let's heal! 

© Debbie Razey 2015

It’s time....

It's time for humanity's division to end...
for all, the fear-driven discrimination to, finally, cease

It's time for all, futile, bloodshed to end...
for all the world's children to experience, at last, peace

It's time for hate's reign of darkness to end 
So, universally, love's healing-light can be released 

It's time....

© Debbie Razey 2015