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Saturday 2 May 2020

Lockdown Limbo

Lockdown limbo does you in
Lockdown limbo fuelled with gin
Lockdown limbo sheared, not trimmed
Lockdown limbo’s rather grim  

I guess it comes down to who you wanna be
I guess it comes down to what you perceive 
A chance to reflect or get lost in self pity 
A chance to be grateful or to wallow in negativity 

For God’s sake, let’s take stock... people are dying
If you pause a wee while you’ll hear their loved ones crying 
The earth maybe still but even she is sighing 
It’s time for transparency not for futile denying 

Yes, it isn’t our chosen profession, yet here we are teachers
No, it wasn’t in our plans for a global pandemic to feature
But life’s like that... it has its own mind 
Amidst the chaos, there’s still wisdom we can find

So use your skills to help one another 
Come together as sisters and brothers
Stay at home and save the life of another
Let’s bide our time, until we can all be together 

Let’s breathe in the sky with its new coat of blue 
Minus the scarred lines upon which we once flew
Let’s hear the birds and their cheerful song 
Let our hearts find peace and beat along

Yes, I know you miss the ones you love 
And that fashion’s changed to sterile masks and gloves
And I know you are scared... you ought to be!
But it won’t be long ‘till we’re all free

So raise your voices and glasses to those that strive 
That risk their lives... for yours and mine 
Let’s all channel our inner Colonel Tom 
Now let’s come together and work as one 

Life’s a gift, with which we’ve all been blessed
I know it’s been a while and we’re all stressed
But the heroes among us are all, still fighting on 
So it’s the least we can do, to just sit tight and be strong

Our children have painted the way in their rainbow hues
Yes, I know it’s no fun standing in two meter, spaced queues 
And that lockdown can be suffocating or you’re feeling alone 
But for many of us... our only job is to stay at home! 

There’s so many though that cannot stay safe
You see they’re needed at work and they do it with grace
So on Thursday nights let’s show our gratitude 
Be thankful we’re alive, to experience the Lockdown Limbo blues 

Hey, you’ve made it this far and one day life WILL resume 
Yet, we’re just past the peak; so be patient... it’s still too soon
To undo all we’ve done... we still NEED to keep ourselves safe! 
This war can only be won, if we do not now make mistakes  

So sing... “Lockdown Limbo, you’ll not win!”
Sing, proud, the Lockdown Limbo; come on... join in! 
Shout out the Lockdown Limbo... “Covid-19 we’ll take you on!”
Sing loud the Lockdown limbo... “we WILL stay strong!!!” 

So sing the Lockdown Limbo “Thank you key workers and NHS!”
Sing the Lockdown Limbo in your PJ’s... no need now to get dressed
So hum the Lockdown Limbo whilst watching your Box Sets
Let’s sing the Lockdown limbo in honour of all those lost... we’ll never forget!  

©  Debbie Razey 2020  - Violet Moon Poetry.
     Image from Unsplash by Jeff Hendricks

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