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Sunday 25 October 2020

Lucent Laces

 Lucent laces linger between us still

Worn words wager; of you I’ll n’er be healed

But when your heart bleeds... I must stop its spill 

Wanting to break free but not wishing you ill

Praying my Pandora heart... will stay sealed 

Lucent laces linger between us still

Your bonnie blues blind me to your cruel will

How heartless... heinous, is your appeal

But when your heart bleeds... I must stop its spill 

Wanted warm words... yours are sharpened to kill

Overt mine eyes but my love won’t conceal 

Lucent laces linger between us still

Angelic Adonis; your presence chills

Wounds split, re-open from hatred you wield 

But when your heart bleeds... I must stop its spill 

Dreams... delirium; unsurpassed your skill

I can still taste the blood as it congealed 

You were the hammer; I was your anvil 

Lucent laces linger between us still

But when your heart bleeds... I must stop its spill 

© Debbie Razey - Violet Moon Poetry 2020



Cottage garden... bees in the foxgloves
Pansies I picked for my Nanna’s grave 
Once was a child blackberry picking 
Cherub face and hands greedily stained

Lancashire Fells awash in heather 
Pastel waves in sunset, solstice skies 
Fingerprints I left on fine linen
After eating Grandma’s home-baked pies

Rich amethyst which is my birthstone 
Upon finger; a silver band, set  
Guitar painted and highly lacquered
Snuggling under my fluffy blanket 

My first pair of velvet Doc Martens 
My wardrobe transcends all of its shades  
Wrapper of favourite chocolate
Relief... aura as a migraine fades

My lips, when I’ve had too much Merlot 
Intoxicated... impassioned kiss 
Moonlight shines on our slumber’s satin
Where I show you how much you’ve been missed 

Milky Way and all of her wonder
Imbrued, violet majestic tones
A colour that tastes of my childhood 
Feels like... being naked, in your arms 

Smells of baking day and wildflowers 
Speaks of nature’s bounty... Summer skies 
Seen from my mind’s eye, at crown chakra 
Promotes compassion, peace and insight 

To me, it’s more than just a pigment
Or how I choose to furnish in tones
It’s a state of mind; a vibration 
It’s fond memories... essence of home 

It’s the name I gave to my daughter
It’s the accent of our wedding day 
It’s in painted words of poetry 
It’s how I’ll be remembered... someday 

©  Debbie Razey 2020 - Violet Moon Poetry.

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Death Bell

The government says our schools will be safe 
Yet many a mistake they’ve made in haste 
Like the fiasco of exam results
Should we, to them, our children’s lives entrust?

Doctors are saying the guidance is wrong
Kids aren’t immune and they will pass it along
To the vulnerable, parents... teachers too
It makes sense to learn more, not act too soon

Our families are, our most precious gift
We only want to choose, without conflict  
Instead, we’re threatened with penalties... fines
Too late to repent when people have died 

It’s now proven COVID lingers in air 
That to safeguard ourselves, masks we should wear
That children will be infection drivers 
Implications of this... are not minor 

I know our economy’s suffered... but
Potential consequences make me shudder
Haven’t we already lost too many?
How many more loved ones must we bury? 

Aren’t you, our government, there to protect?
Your strategies so far have been inept 
Lack of PPE, dire Track and Trace 
Our country’s death toll... a shocking disgrace 

Please heed our cries, the vulnerable protect 
Don’t lead our teachers to an early death
Don’t make any more kids become orphans 
Allow parents their offspring to stay home 

Yes... children’s mental health we must protect 
But will it be, if their parents are dead?
Let’s learn from the tragedy in care homes 
Allow kids to thrive in COVID free homes  

So please let us now avert tragedy 
Let your names go down in our history 
As wise leaders, who saved us... were heroes
Don’t leave for all time this death bell to toll

©  Debbie Razey 2020 - Violet Moon Poetry.
     Both Poem and Photograph

CHAPBOOK Never Alone

Up in thermals I’ll always be 

With outstretched wings over sea sheen

In sunset hours of dusky tones

It’s there you’ll find I’ve made my home 

Fields aglisten in morning’s dew

Dawn’s still hours of gossamer hues 

Coins you’ll find when there’s been too few

In warmed hands curled around your brew

You’ll feel my light upon your face 

In twilight’s throng, my lost embrace 

In veil of night, laid at your side

Never alone we’re moon and tide   

Although no longer I’m alive 

Hear my echoes in all that’s life 

In crashing waves, a newborn’s cry

A crackling fire, in sweet rest’s... sigh 

In silk-spun notes, a rhythm’s beat

In autumn leaves under your feet 

When raindrops stick to windowpanes 

And all your efforts seem in vain 

For I’ll be there to will you on 

Breath, it ceased but my love lives on 

You’ll feel at times my hand in yours 

Kissing your wounds, healing your sores

I'll watch o’er you from stars above 

In slumber’s arms, you’ll feel my love

Remember... however long the years 

I’m in our children’s smiles and tears 

©  Debbie Razey 2020 - Violet Moon Poetry.

Monday 3 August 2020


White screen, my mind, but I can hear churning behind

Taunting me with dust particles of memories  

They come fleetingly to me and then leave;

rewired, nerve nuclear-lined highways, 

all in the same surreptitious instance

This putrid deep pit, where my stomach once lived; 

muffles my pain, dulled by it's heavy set void of emptiness 

My echoed mute screams, erodes all my dreams

Vibrations... all I’ve left to feel, in this someone called ”Me”

who I hear whisper... dissociatively

Nausea chokes in my throat like an acrid, vile smoke 

My taste, paralysed with the sting of delusion I once willfully ingested  

My eternal thirst grows from my quicksand life’s hole

Each grain from the hourglass chimes...

reminds me of my precious time, squandered futilely  

Oh how do I find, my way out of this labyrinth of lull

This grotesque colourless light, which strips my eyes

of all the layers and layers of years’ sights; 

of things I can’t quite catch or recount to mention 

To evade, perhaps, was my plight... but to forget was never my intention

How then, can I not drown in this tear-drenched sound 

Abandoned to a destiny, shackled in dense air’s suspension 

Does anyone remember me back then...

as all I can recall is a sepia faint soul 

A painful burnt parchment, I was supposed to hold onto and cherish 

Dreams turned torture long ago... I was left to float 

Yet anchored by hope, to a lie in subterfuge sold;

that I’ve clung to for many a yesteryear, desperately 

Death would be a relief but numbness is a thief 

and refuses me the strength of will now to enter 

I can’t find my way back, through this matrix of clues

Past all the fake facades, swathed in self-hatred 

I’m now trapped and embalmed, begging for time to recant 

Motionless laid... within the fast lane 

Deafened, by my own tachycardic heart’s pointless beating 

So if you can remember me and I shared with you, dreams

Please, come walk me though my mind’s wilting vestiges. 

© Debbie Razey 2020 - Violet Moon Poetry.

Poem and art

Sunday 26 July 2020

Cosmic Love

You stare 
at my body
as astronomers, the night sky 
Drinking in every last detail, 
in awe
to memory 
my shape’s constellation; 
my curves, peaks, falls... burn in your eyes

reflected back 
illuminates your form
Your moist bronze skin shimmers like jewelled
Red dawfs 
reawakened, explode 
at our cores... evoke primal need

stars through our veins
as earth’s gravity fails 
to keep us grounded... free falling 
The pull  
Two glowing comets   
quantumly entangled, we move 
as one  

©  Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry.

Saturday 4 July 2020

Home Battalion

Shells underfoot at home... no longer war 

Our loved one’s fragile sanity left torn 

Years after; left to fend in no man's land

Alone at home at attention we stand 

Only our eyes witness their night terrors

Guttural screaming, still fighting... shivers

Whimpering and twitching, we're now on guard 

Poised to shield both them and ourselves from harm

For we are what is left of their squadron 

Without lacquered boots, caps or uniforms 

Without training on how to win this war

Whilst those who trained, look on... but still ignore 

Oh how we've tried to dig out of Hell’s trench

We've dug so deep with love we’re now entrenched 

Long given up on backup... no one comes 

Yet still, we beg for help, clamour for crumbs 

When will they see the Home Batallion? 

Army marching from sunset through till dawn

Soldier, spouse and their next generations  

When will they learn, trauma harms... just like guns 

Trauma a wound that festers; never heals 

Endless spinning misery-go-round wheel

One, their families hope one day to halt 

If they themselves survive... trauma’s assault 

Please keep your medals and your folded flags 

We just want back the peace we all once had 

Guidance to help our loved ones end their war 

Support for families... please heed our call

© Debbie Razey 2020 - Violet Moon Poetry.

    Art my adaption from Upsplash - Photofox

Sunday 24 May 2020


I don’t want my life 
to be small,
a mere four walls;
bed and
an off-white ceiling 

Need my strength to grow;
around my bones
Vine roots
bound tight... unyielding 

My head a millstone;
teeters alone
on a blade of grass
The breeze
grants me no mercy

A sword’s blade of steel,
I can feel;
yet it’s no scaffold
spine It mocks... cruelly  

Thunderclaps in head;
I wish death
Yet I long for life, 
free from
sound and light shielding  

My taut fire-cheeks split
Dampened wit,
as my brain spit-roasts;
stomach sickening 

To breathe is a chore; 
labourered call
Staccato heartbeat,
chest heaves...
weak and wearily 

I wish to stand tall,
feel... rainfall
Spread my arms like tree
deep roots to hold me 

So again can be one,
under the sun
To breathe with nature 
and flow
with the moon tides... freely 

I wish to just be;
so I may roam free
To drink
in all of life’s divinity 

©  Debbie Razey 2020 - Violet Moon Poetry.

Tuesday 12 May 2020

The Day Of The Nurse (During COVID-19)

Armour of P.P.E.
They bravely fight to set us free
Tight-fitting masks; sore faces marked
With tear-stained cheeks and broken hearts 
They walk the halls and tend the sick 
Through visors, hot gowns sewn thick 
All this kit weighs a ton
A nurse’s job is never done 

Days roll on... endless nights
Since they’ve been home; held loved ones tight 
Exhausted, but they don’t give up  
They soothe, hold hands through latex gloves
Holding phones when their patients can’t  
Last words they witness; haunt their hearts
Hear families’ final goodbyes
When loved ones can’t be by their side 

Their kindness we’ll not forget 
Their passings; we’ve mourned and wept
As like our loved ones, some have died
Now the angels, they stand beside 
For they are heroes of our time
Gave selflessly for your life and mine 
Let’s value them always
Toast “The Day of the Nurse” today

Two hundred years today 
Florence Nightingale’s birthday 
So our gratitude, through clapping let's show
Light a candle in all of our windows
In grave darkness, they share their light 
They give us hope when we lose sight 
A special kind of breed 
Helping us in our greatest need

©  Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry.
     Image by Luke Jones from Upsplash

Saturday 2 May 2020

Lockdown Limbo

Lockdown limbo does you in
Lockdown limbo fuelled with gin
Lockdown limbo sheared, not trimmed
Lockdown limbo’s rather grim  

I guess it comes down to who you wanna be
I guess it comes down to what you perceive 
A chance to reflect or get lost in self pity 
A chance to be grateful or to wallow in negativity 

For God’s sake, let’s take stock... people are dying
If you pause a wee while you’ll hear their loved ones crying 
The earth maybe still but even she is sighing 
It’s time for transparency not for futile denying 

Yes, it isn’t our chosen profession, yet here we are teachers
No, it wasn’t in our plans for a global pandemic to feature
But life’s like that... it has its own mind 
Amidst the chaos, there’s still wisdom we can find

So use your skills to help one another 
Come together as sisters and brothers
Stay at home and save the life of another
Let’s bide our time, until we can all be together 

Let’s breathe in the sky with its new coat of blue 
Minus the scarred lines upon which we once flew
Let’s hear the birds and their cheerful song 
Let our hearts find peace and beat along

Yes, I know you miss the ones you love 
And that fashion’s changed to sterile masks and gloves
And I know you are scared... you ought to be!
But it won’t be long ‘till we’re all free

So raise your voices and glasses to those that strive 
That risk their lives... for yours and mine 
Let’s all channel our inner Colonel Tom 
Now let’s come together and work as one 

Life’s a gift, with which we’ve all been blessed
I know it’s been a while and we’re all stressed
But the heroes among us are all, still fighting on 
So it’s the least we can do, to just sit tight and be strong

Our children have painted the way in their rainbow hues
Yes, I know it’s no fun standing in two meter, spaced queues 
And that lockdown can be suffocating or you’re feeling alone 
But for many of us... our only job is to stay at home! 

There’s so many though that cannot stay safe
You see they’re needed at work and they do it with grace
So on Thursday nights let’s show our gratitude 
Be thankful we’re alive, to experience the Lockdown Limbo blues 

Hey, you’ve made it this far and one day life WILL resume 
Yet, we’re just past the peak; so be patient... it’s still too soon
To undo all we’ve done... we still NEED to keep ourselves safe! 
This war can only be won, if we do not now make mistakes  

So sing... “Lockdown Limbo, you’ll not win!”
Sing, proud, the Lockdown Limbo; come on... join in! 
Shout out the Lockdown Limbo... “Covid-19 we’ll take you on!”
Sing loud the Lockdown limbo... “we WILL stay strong!!!” 

So sing the Lockdown Limbo “Thank you key workers and NHS!”
Sing the Lockdown Limbo in your PJ’s... no need now to get dressed
So hum the Lockdown Limbo whilst watching your Box Sets
Let’s sing the Lockdown limbo in honour of all those lost... we’ll never forget!  

©  Debbie Razey 2020  - Violet Moon Poetry.
     Image from Unsplash by Jeff Hendricks

Saturday 4 April 2020

Lockdown Days

Days of lockdown; prayers are heard 
From fevered brows, doctors concerned
For loved ones missed, too far to hold
Socal distance... do what we're told

Playgrounds are empty, shelves are bare
Rainbowed windows; “thanks” clap... fanfare 
Tests, masks and gloves are hard to find 
The dead and sick weigh on our minds 

Invisibly we’re under siege 
Vulnerable, they are in need
Of food, of care, of medicines
Rescued by kindness... compassion

Our heroes risk their lives to help
Take care of us, not of themselves
In wards, in shops, in trucks, in homes
In ambulances... sirens groan

Many rally to help neighbours
Through windows, smiles meet lonely stares
Relief is felt that someone cares
Video calls make us less scared  

So although now the virus seethes 
Healing is growing with each need
As giving... gives to all profound 
The gift of selfless love resounds

©  Debbie Razey 2020 - Violet Moon Poetry.