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Friday 2 June 2023



With great trepidation, I stepped out into the altered umbra light  

Wild abandonment stirred in my delicate Papillon heavenquake soul 

I hoped you’d be my final, yearned for… peaceful destination 

But you cast a long shadow, claimed the sun... my crown of ebony and bone 

Scathed forever, my wildflower-papyrus dipped heart

Paper-cut promises stung, tore open azure’s skyscape’s door

Your darkling’s apocalypse seeped into the core of my daydreamer’s silvery being 

Choreographed immaculately...

day-to-day intricate, positioned strangulation; mercenary drip-fed suffocation, poisoned Ivy’s angular design 

Now I'm left in desolation, dire blind desperation… utterly undone 

Trying futility to reanimate my winged essence... kindle whats still hidden, stealthily nestled inside 

My mind’s portal... imagination’s innate compass relentlessly spins

Its hallucinatory, intangible, ghost-like, distorted starlight’s needle...

pin-points precisely the never-ending, perpetual questioning  

Repaints light fractals in dusky shades of saffron and severance...

as it ventures to unravel all the lies it's ever been told 

Oh why did you come to destroy, ravage, dissect and plunder...

smash apart my kintsugi hope, that I'd awkwardly managed to tether

Why drag me cuffed and chained deeper asunder, 

only to torment and torture... a soul already scared, battered and bruised

Oh, to think I confided in you... how I’d been so cruelly, brutally broken 

How my soul had been abandoned, shattered, scattered… 

splintered into failed epiphanies of smithereens 

Damned for what I thought was my penance...

to eternity’s bottomless echo chamber  

How I’d somehow managed, to miraculously clamber...

into a hammock of diaphanous temporary solace

Wistfully withdrawn, but ever-so-grateful, 

for a repose from the vengeful storm 

Tell me though why... was it to watch me merely scramble and struggle

or to illuminate the clandestine path back from perdition? 

The one that had remained an enigma... 

opaque and undisclosed; 

so enigmatic to your apathetic, egotistical skewed heart  

Didn't you realise, I’d have gladly led you to safety... guided you freely 

Blissfully, we could have bathed in sunsets... and risen, surrendered to sunrise 

Made love... two spirits, flares fused, impassioned, unencumbered;

spun from fervent sunlight’s pure radiant shards of gold 

Entwined, reinforced branches... basking in milky, honied moonlight 

But I guess you only wanted me stripped, bare and naked...

a soulless reflection of your lonely, empty, vacuous cavern; 

your meagre depths of perception... tissue-thin paper misconceptions   

To scribe in bloodless screams... dark putrid poems,

maps to etch upon the insipid canvas of my anaemic epidermis  

Yet in truth, all you've managed to do... is render us both lost in pain’s labyrinth,

where not even a single drop of art or poetry was exsanguinated 

As what you failed to see is we both could have soared euphorically

We needed not our feet... just a pair of playful carefree, compassionate kite souls;

two bountiful, brave, hot air balloons... full of buoyant, redolent dreams  

But instead like a contorted caterpillar, in this numb, airless dwelling... here I lie!

A sepia shackled, raped butterfly... winged wraith, cocooned and caged, 

dehydrated of love’s energising elixir; 

trying unsuccessfully, alone, to patiently sew... 

patchwork, subdued glimmers of iridescent staved sunshine 

Attempting to repair my tired, bedraggled aura... that still burns in the embers of my flightless wings 

So tell me, was it worth it? Is this what you dreamed of and wanted? 

To watch it all burn down... with me struck stupid, bound dutifully like a moth to your flames  

Delusional, in thinking we were still salvageable, 

tied tightly to love’s torrid tourniquet

And if so please tell me why… for God’s sake explain... so that I, may at least die enlightened 

Sure, I’m frightened but peace… oh illusive empyrean peace, 

your sweet pearlescent relief... I’d welcome open-heartedly

As I tediously plough and till… long winter’s barren stone-littered field, 

waiting in earnest to emerge from my copper gossamer chrysalis 

To shake this earth-soaked melancholic peel... from my wanton dishevelled heart 

© Debbie Razey 2023 - Violet Moon Poetry

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