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Friday 5 July 2024

My Poetry Book Release - Moonlight Meanderings

Moonlight Meanderings

by Violet Moon poetry, published by Coosa Books is an enchanting collection of poetry that explores a wide range of reflective and narrative poetic forms. This anthology meanders within the mystical and celebrates life's marvels, the resilience and beauty of nature, the complexities of love and heartache, and the spiritual exploration of grief and joy. Its poems also passionately illuminate the magic within grace and simplicity, wading into the impact of chronic illness and abandonment, and muses upon the poet's inherent ache for a more empathetic and interconnected world.

With its chiming verses of brushstroke imagery, "Moonlight Meanderings" highlights the metaphysical teachings within life's duality, beautifully illustrating the harmony within creation and, in vivid contrast, the imperfections of our flawed human existence. Even within its darker, poignant pieces that bleed out into the universal issues of conflict and war, the poet's voice resounds clearly - with messages of love, hope, peace, forgiveness and gratitude. Through this poetry book's raw sincerity of heart and profound soul-searching, it is hoped that the reader will encounter brief moments of gentle introspection, experience a sense of solace within its pages, and ultimately feel less alone. 

(Please note, that not one poem from this blog was included within Midnight Meanderings) 

My debut poetry collection is now available at Amazon, Kindle and Barnes and Noble, links below, or for signed copies please email me at thank you 🙏💜✨💫🌹

Amazon ~


Barnes and Nobel -

For latest news PLEASE FOLLOW me at Instagram. Thank you 🙏💜✨💫🌹 Links for all of my Socials in the  Linktree

Monday 12 February 2024

Mad Mary

Caught within seraphic symphonies…

echoing in the rain 

Deafening soul… choral intensity 

They’re drowning in world’s pain 

A kind of gothic Mary Poppins… 

beneath parasol I fly 

Away from the mental flogging… 

reality’s cat and nine 

For I don’t have wings of an angel…

more nyctophile than bat

Mind’s long been frayed and tangled…

Mad Hatter without hat 

On life’s Fibonacci staircase… 

I meditate, unwind 

Shake off societal interface…

open chakras, make aligned 

Tune into subliminal frequency…

of darkness and of light 

I revel in life’s duality… 

see clear with second sight

I don’t see death as journey’s end…

as cyclic are our lives 

Past, present… future’s recompense  

Let Karma be my guide   

I love to delve into shades of tinct… 

feed curiosity

Learn deeper meaning of all things… 

get lost in obscurity 

In days gone by, they’d have called me Witch

for my emoesque attire 

Crystal penchant, metaphysics itch… 

hedonist fuelled desires 

I’ll admit I’m slightly eccentric…

it’s a badge I wear with pride 

I’m a romantic, quite poetic, 

flamboyant introvert… inside 

A reluctant oxymoron… 

Murder, gently, the time 

I’m really quite the conundrum… 

I’m sure to blow your mind! 

But within this monochrome madness…

that some accept as life,

indentured to monetary sadness… 

suppressed by stress and strife 

I like to emanate nature…

her kaleidoscopic eyes

Flow free, cascade… I’m endangered!

I’m more… than meets the eye!

© Debbie Razey 2023 - Violet Moon Poetry

Songs Of Our Hearts

Long for permanence... in a fluid world

Amidst flux, try anchor… to no avail 

Fleeting is nature... yet futilely cling 

Like harmony’s notes… escape whilst we sing 

Bodies to stardust... again will return 

Even when bones are interred in rich earth 

Water evaporates… gases float free

Planet’s ancestors… became part of me 

Recycle through atmosphere... breath, breeze, rain 

Through plant life, animals... rotate again 

From mother to child… old atoms are passed 

New generation forged… via ancient ash

We know it’s true... comprehend with our minds

Yet due to egos... compartmentalize 

Label, I from you; us, he, she… they, them 

Infinitely entangled… Star-children 

But what of love, souls… precious memories? 

Where do they go… as collectively grieve 

Are we bound for heaven… woven in time? 

Scattered to the galaxies… God’s vast eyes?

It’s unfathomable… finite, nothingness

Despite/because of… certitude of death 

Beliefs placate us... in all, comfort find 

Yet miss how to resonate… or deny  

Wind stifles a fire... or can propagate 

Differences strengthen... division seeds hate 

All together as whole… we’re immortal 

Science, spiritism… at last chordal 

Without each other… we cannot survive 

Empathy, symbiosis… how we thrive!

Fluidity of thoughts… can heal our earth 

Mending separations; true peace… we’d earn 

Perhaps, this is why… permanence we court 

Sense through segregation… time’s running out 

Intuitively, already… reaching out?

Desperately, to repair… bonds in doubt

Is that why we’re lonely… foreboding grief? 

Haphazard couplings… satiate relief

Is truth, we’re all… a mere puzzle piece? 

Network of spirits… within life’s matrix 

Not sure, all I know… I grieve when love leaves 

To it, I belong… authentically me 

Feel a vital link break… hope’s severed chord 

Discern need to repair… heal and restore

In panic, forget… to die, must first live 

To mourn a lost love... must have once, had it 

I’m thankful for… challenging life’s lessons 

As letting go… equates to aliveness 

Our blessing is now… this allotted time! 

Even stars burn out… universe declines

Muse life’s contradictions… impermanence 

Add legacy… to combined consciousness 

For us to be born… the cosmos conspired 

So let’s dwell in beauty… explore our minds 

Gift hope, poems, equations... works of art 

Tokens of existence… songs of our hearts

Energised… intone, at life’s centroid 

As one day we’ll glimpse… the infinite void

© Debbie Razey 2023 - Violet Moon Poetry