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Friday 21 April 2023


Wet nose and snuffly kisses 
When darkness strangles me 
She offers her paw... cocks sweetly, her head 
Settles weight upon my knees

She seems to know me better 
Than I could ever know myself 
Somehow, she regulates my heartbeat
Soothes... helps me catch my breath

Her humanesqe smile‘s heart melting 
Loving gaze... forever fixed 
I’m her beloved ‘Mummy’ human 
She’s my faithful ‘Luna’ bitch 

Our love is unconditional 
It does not have a cost 
She warms me in the winter 
I save her half my lunch 

Takes pleasure in the small things 
Delicately... smells each flower
To her, I’m always beautiful 
She makes me feel empowered 

She’s my fluffy little angel 
My loving... furry friend 
One woman and her dog 
Each day’s a snuggle fest!

She knows just how to comfort
And loves my belly rubs 
When tears will not stop falling
Licks gently... shows her love 

She’s my saviour... little buddy 
Starlit moon... that lights my way 
She bathes my life in blessings
Guides me through... my sickest days

© Debbie Razey 2023 - Violet Moon Poetry 

Belle Of The Sea.

As he opened that shell
A book…
of iridescent wonder,
sounding bell of the sea 
Its shrill… salty sweet tang
from the blue,
goose-necked barnacled,
honesty-box altar
Snug, at the crux
where the seaweed’s woven…
knitted jetty 
kissed the black 
volcanic eeled road
Where a pot-holed pontoon 
with crab-pots strewn 
marked the spot!
orange roped floats 
strung like bunting, 
left gently bobbing 
the stunning 
hidden dalliance 
of warm tidal waves 
where Black Guillemots
pay their homage, 
past the abandoned 
of a picturesque postcard...
Croig Pier’s
fishing boat wreckage 
Where the day’s weary sun 
spilled forth 
sun-blushed skies,
fine slithers of clouds
in gentle wisp 
of silk,
exsanguinating plumes
of rich salmon, pink hues
of dusky decadent shades
through the jaws of decay’s 
splintered, archaic 
picture frames
Snapshots of time
through crumbling portholes,
slowly reclaimed 
by Nature’s 
powerful prowess

I cast out my soul 
upon a single 
iced breath
Set adrift…
upon the calm rhythmic sway
of clear sea-glass sheen 
over netted lace foam
by silver-edged waves 
of deep 
golden orb bays
In sunlight’s cascade, 
falls fine twinkling rain 
from sun to the sea
Diamonds scattered… 
forever within me,
as then and there…
I knew...
I was meant to be 
her loyal
lifelong castaway 
by her hypnotic ways 
for all eternity...
she would haunt me
a grand Eagle Isle
with white-tipped shores 
Scotland’s priceless pearl 
the gem
of them all...
where my troubadour 
would forever
roam free,
beneath her 
glacier Munros 
speckled edged 
puffin cliffs 
beckoning me
in endless whispers 
from far across 
the cool 
langoustine sea
To please...
come on wee lassie 
come on, 
hurry home!

© Debbie Razey 2023 - Violet Moon Poetry

Monday 10 April 2023


at your grave…
cold garden of stone 
Prayed, you’d revive from earth’s mulched bed 
Tugged firm at grief’s deep roots; hands torn, turned sanguine through thorns
Watered, pruned... still, did not return  
Petal’s now pillow
to gently

© Debbie Razey 2022 - Violet Moon Poetry 


Palms impaled… stigmata 
Died on cross… he bore our sins 
Daughters still weep... sonatas
in a world where greed still wins 

Mothers and their infants 
forced… into fuel, food poverty 
Existing in the shadows, 
cold and hungry… Calvary 

Isn’t it as shameful... 
we now turn our gaze away?
When Father’s will is broken 
by the tyranny of our day 

Working… till their fingers bleed 
but the blood’s not of their hands
Surely we should intercede 
when humanity demands 

Look at… Ukraine, Haiti,
Palestine and speared Iran 
Crown of thorns… growing weighty,
when some act like Castellans 

Millions... on brink of famine
No loaves, fishes have to share 
Murdered... our native children 
Grief enshrouds... does anyone care?

Africans... refugeed through coups
So many globally displaced 
Father... they know what they do!
Xinjiang internments... a disgrace!

Neo-Judas... they’re our brothers,
fighting racists, atrocities
No better than Pontius Pilate
Sisters deprived... equality! 

No one’s expecting saintly, 
but in ignorance… we’re entombed
So let’s roll away stonewalling 
Let grace, love’s empathy... break through 

This Easter...give to others 
We've ample blessings… no sacrifice!
Rise above… tend those who suffer 
Save persecuted… still crucified

Blood on hands... it is our own,
when global family... they bleed
So stand for peace, for fairness! 
Carve new world… where ALL are free! 

© Debbie Razey 2023 - Violet Moon Poetry

#kindness #peace #empathy #saynotowar #endpoverty #endracism #equalityforall

Sunday 2 April 2023

Ode To Ophelia


Sometimes life veers... its sharp chicane, cruel 

Its lead-laden lure... just too much to bear 

Minds spin grief’s heedless, vast fishing spool 

Sheds earth’s cradled fingers... Death isn’t fair 

Hold the ones we love... so very tightly 

Fate’s fierce currents... will turn-tail, for no one 

Even those who radiate… most sprightly

Vibrant, starred wildflowers... bright dazzling suns 

When hearts slip… beyond dusk’s mauve horizon 

Silvered, glistening trail... ribbons in wake 

Memories shine, chime... threaded strummed  diamonds 

Love sound’s all; pressed on souls... resonant ache 

Wilting, frail ballerinas... bend on breeze 

Lily pads, drenched leaves fall... void, in maelstrom 

Glint beneath frozen lake... veiled veneer 

Iridescent spirits... they shimmer on

Brave Ophelia... now, wherefore art you?

Tears are falling… jewelled, equinox rain 

Will the sun... ever, return without you?

To love, but lose... such a bittersweet pain

Soon! Storm clouds will cease... Spring will hop closer 

Salmon will leap, blend... with satsuma skies 

Smiles will creep... laughter again will warm you 

I’ll be the twinkle... in night’s starfish skies 

© Debbie Razey 2023 - Violet Moon Poetry

Dance On (#SavetheEkbatanGirls - #freeIran)

When Eurynome first danced, wind was born 

Peace, unity, balance... deity sought 

Reached out in Chaos... forged order in world 

Sacred dance, ironic... is her symbol 

Five Tehran girls… wished for same in Iran 

Danced to ‘Calm Down’… reclaimed, some small, freedoms

Instead... damned them brazen, non-compliant

Danced without hijabs... labelled resistant

Seized like Masha Amini... some fear the worst

As she never came home... tortured, murdered!.

From Eurynome’s womb came forth... land, stars 

Through Ekbatan dance... empathy heals scars 

Hidden identities... show allegiance

People around globe... dance in defiance!

Women and girls... standing up for their rights

Not with violence... through movement, they fight  

Creator’s spirit… uniting nations

Free will for all... we must change perceptions

Goddess of balance... she hoped would sustain

Millennia later... girls abused, detained!

Once made… pole rulers, both female and male

Yet now, all people... aren't seen as equal

Exalted Dove… won’t succumb to fear’s scathe 

She, wandering moon… still lights love’s way 

Brave Iranian girls... for change protest 

Forbidden public dance… suppressive dress 

Broke the law… shamed… forced to apologise 

How can moving one’s body… be denied?

For them and all, please come together… dance 

In solidarity... make clear your stance 

All rise… it’s time, from division’s chaos

Break free at last... from vile tyranny’s grasp

Transform universal yolk... breed new hope 

Kick out hate’s teeth... grow equality’s scope 

Like Eurynome… separate dark, light 

Transcend winds of change... humanity’s plight

So dance on, dance on… show them not alone! 

Together dance on… ‘til they’re returned home

© Debbie Razey 2023 - Violet Moon Poetry