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Monday 20 February 2023


Empty is a tilled field, laid fallow
Where once blossomed... redolent dreams
Mind’s ploughed synapse... doldrum’s trenches
Lonesome blade scythed my heart’s seams

Pain soiled my wildflower memories 
With muddied doubts of umber shame
Phantom achenes... adrift on breeze 
And yet you... I do not blame 

Hope lingers... faith’s staunch butterfly net
And with its lucid threads, I’ll sew 
Didactic cocoon... growth’s promise 
Dawn’s light... spun from dusk’s sorrow

© Debbie Razey 2023 - Violet Moon Poetry

This Valentine

This Valentine's for all hurt, lonely souls
I sense you trapped in numbness, fear and pain
I'd set you free if I could... hope you know
Heart resonates.. feels deeply, just the same
Want you to know... you're precious, you are loved!
You're treasured as you are; Star... I see you!
Please feel valued... you are, more than enough
Uniqueness is your beauty. shining through
Imperfect, scarred; you're art... astral, sublime!
You may not yet believe... but it is true!
Strength, character; illumines. darkest skies
No one could be more perfect being you!
Together... we can all be Valentines
Stunning constellation... Oh how we'd shine!

© Debbie Razey 2023 - Violet Moon Poetry

Through Empathy... We‘ll Be Saved (Turkey & Syria Earthquake)


Two apparitions, statue of Eros, sleeping lions... it's hard to say 

Lodged beneath broken plinths of jagged concrete... ripped apart by jaws of quake 

Billowing dust clouds, fall upon victims… diaphanous burial shrouds

Torches searching demolished ruins; grave stillness... so deafeningly loud! 

Thirty-six long, horrific hours; lay battered, frozen… trying hard to breathe 

World prays for rescuers, whilst sister strokes her brother’s hair... so tenderly 

Small bridge to nowhere, her tiny body shelters... hides sibling’s frightened face 

Orange-jacketed, hard-hat angels swarm; will they reach them... before too late 

Mouths dryer than coarse sandbags, hoarse through crying; dehydrated... they need help!

Jinan, she’s ten and suffering blood loss... large iron rod’s impaled through leg  

Bold Trojan stark, against ghost town; concertina buildings... devoid of air 

Mass fatalities stack, stale foul stench; volunteers futilely... try repair

Ever aware of ticking hands’ shadow; hourglass draining... foreboding clock   

Toppled lives displaced by tremors, it may stretch decades… grief’s aftershock 

Countless remains... heads bowed desolate; crushed lives… entire families laid waste

Seismic emotions erupt in wailings; aftermath... cataclysmic fate

But rescuers can’t implode; swallow, like chasm... desperation’s heartbreak 

Even search dogs are becoming despondent... as there’s no one left to save 

Suddenly, Jinan’s muffled pleas are noticed... from the dust-drenched, mangled maze 

Disbelief ricochets... as rumblings break fatigue’s sunken, murky glaze 

Whistles shrill... ring like bells; hope’s spell extinguishes... dissociative haze 

Brave rescuers spring to action... little consideration for own health

Balancing on precarious ledges, fishing through debris’... death-trap wells

Two ashen, wide-eyed waifs; gently hoisted to safety... from dire pit of hell!

Haggard, multi-nation faces rejoice; hands gesticulate... all is well!    

Frail rag-doll children, pulled from home’s carnage, through teamwork... miracles take place

Saved, a nine-month-old, Abdullah... still wrapped safely in his sister’s embrace 

Beyond heroic, selfless sacrifice... tears of joy are gratefully spilt 

Soothingly, cleansing their tired, bloodshot eyes; thousand-yard stares... opaque with silt 

Search and Rescue, now likely traumatised, will need some time... themselves to heal 

Through Middle East’s courage, international aid... love’s grace has been revealed    

As even from the darkest abyss... of inhumane, fractured tragedy; 

kindness again illuminates healing’s power... empathy’s majesty   

Let’s unite, in reverent symphony... a celebration of ourselves

Somewhere, we can all reside together; reinforced... by love’s boundless wealth  

© Debbie Razey 2023 - Violet Moon Poetry