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Sunday 25 October 2020

Lucent Laces

 Lucent laces linger between us still

Worn words wager; of you I’ll n’er be healed

But when your heart bleeds... I must stop its spill 

Wanting to break free but not wishing you ill

Praying my Pandora heart... will stay sealed 

Lucent laces linger between us still

Your bonnie blues blind me to your cruel will

How heartless... heinous, is your appeal

But when your heart bleeds... I must stop its spill 

Wanted warm words... yours are sharpened to kill

Overt mine eyes but my love won’t conceal 

Lucent laces linger between us still

Angelic Adonis; your presence chills

Wounds split, re-open from hatred you wield 

But when your heart bleeds... I must stop its spill 

Dreams... delirium; unsurpassed your skill

I can still taste the blood as it congealed 

You were the hammer; I was your anvil 

Lucent laces linger between us still

But when your heart bleeds... I must stop its spill 

© Debbie Razey - Violet Moon Poetry 2020



Cottage garden... bees in the foxgloves
Pansies I picked for my Nanna’s grave 
Once was a child blackberry picking 
Cherub face and hands greedily stained

Lancashire Fells awash in heather 
Pastel waves in sunset, solstice skies 
Fingerprints I left on fine linen
After eating Grandma’s home-baked pies

Rich amethyst which is my birthstone 
Upon finger; a silver band, set  
Guitar painted and highly lacquered
Snuggling under my fluffy blanket 

My first pair of velvet Doc Martens 
My wardrobe transcends all of its shades  
Wrapper of favourite chocolate
Relief... aura as a migraine fades

My lips, when I’ve had too much Merlot 
Intoxicated... impassioned kiss 
Moonlight shines on our slumber’s satin
Where I show you how much you’ve been missed 

Milky Way and all of her wonder
Imbrued, violet majestic tones
A colour that tastes of my childhood 
Feels like... being naked, in your arms 

Smells of baking day and wildflowers 
Speaks of nature’s bounty... Summer skies 
Seen from my mind’s eye, at crown chakra 
Promotes compassion, peace and insight 

To me, it’s more than just a pigment
Or how I choose to furnish in tones
It’s a state of mind; a vibration 
It’s fond memories... essence of home 

It’s the name I gave to my daughter
It’s the accent of our wedding day 
It’s in painted words of poetry 
It’s how I’ll be remembered... someday 

©  Debbie Razey 2020 - Violet Moon Poetry.