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Monday 28 October 2019


Let me

kiss your neck's nape
work gently down your spine
and run my fingers through your hair

My shape
casts fine shadows
on your dimly lit wall
every curve accentuated're mine

enraptured now
enveloped in my scent
high; drunk on passon's elixir

I am
lost in you as
you are lost within me
 entwined, our bodies thus unite

in each other's
hot sweet pools of desire
our skin glows, it shines, it glistens's dew

Our dance
grows in tempo
drums echo in my ears
our bodies vibrate, pulse quickly
yearn... need

Your hands
cascade over
my quivering body;
we transcend into ecstasy

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry



Your kindness fills the holes inside my heart 
My shadowlands of lonely, left to dwell
My only medication is your art 
My rope to light, unravelled when I fell
For you, I recognise within your words 
Which luminate my lonely into song 
Your soul’s so kind; empathic’s been your curse 
Please never change; it’s not your heart that’s wrong
You see the world is drowning in despair
The rich are poor in heart, the good in mind 
As life is topsy-turvy, it’s not fair 
Star-one, of loving thoughts, you are my kind  

Will you now write beside me word to word?
For have we not in lonely... truth have learned?  

©  Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry


I’ll lie down
beneath you
I will be your bridge to happy
I’ll not complain
beneath the weight 
of your heavy load
If I can
I’ll carry all your unbearable
relentless burdens 
for you 
I’ll be there
to soothe.... you
when you loose control

I will cry
the tears
that you’ve suppressed
for you.
I will feel 
the hurt 
that you can’t feel 
but... give
I will 
all of your lonely... 
though it’s so raw and painful
I will give 
you reasons  
so you
will want to 

I’ll not sleep
to ward away
your night-terror demons 
I’ll be there
to find you
when you
are lost
and cannot find your way 
I’ll be there
to scream at when life’s cruel....
 and just too painful  
I’ll be there
to forgive you 
to remind you 
we’ve always a new day

I’ll be here
to take your loss 
and the rejection
I’ll be here 
to feel unworthy 
so that you don’t
I’ll be here 
to love you 
I’ll am here 
to stay 
even if you tell me 
that I shouldn’t 

All I ask 
is that you
... don’t break further, my tired old, fragile heart 

© Debbie Razey 2014 - Violet Moon Poetry 

Saturday 26 October 2019

Stardust (Part I)

I stand before you like a Goddess, basked in ribbons of moonlight 
Peeling off... each twilight layer to reveal my incandescent light    
Your wild eyes, they glow with desire; burning sapphire star-fuelled flames 
I hear your gentle ache call to me and it’s driving me insane

Your fervent stare, it creeps across me ike a vine of glistening lust
Serpentine, it’s heat engulfs me and I surrender; in you I trust 
Like a marionette, I’m now your puppet; at your command I rise and fall
With silvered-string you lure me... then you spill me to the floor

Your firm fingers, they pull me open, smooth my creases; silken folds 
Now with my every wanton wish, my body shimmers to behold
Your velvet tongue twirls, conducts my pleasure, I crescendo; cascade in notes
Yet... your hunger lifts me higher and into twinkling stardust I implode

©  Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry

(To be continued...)



Friday 25 October 2019

Broken Keys

The broken keys, her soul without a tune
Forever, heard to haunt her heart and mind 
Doth dance upon the air; foul sense of doom
Iced feather drips it’s dread; descends her spine

Each note, as key, a yearning pain doth ache
Explodes, in mind, like opium to vein
As she’s beguiled into her pain doth sway 
The tear-soaked notes across the paper stain

For once, as she, this instrument was grand
Sonata slew; she’d melt the stars in sky
Demure guests entertained; bewitched her hands       
Evoked in them an ecstasy so high

Piano now, as she, sits gathers dust
No more it sings to spin the moon alight 
Doth bodies break so in our souls, we’ll trust?  
So is it then, that death is living’s plight?  

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry

Wednesday 23 October 2019

The Blush and The Pale

Ashen... lands

Betwixt dawn
and sunrise

Blush veil 
of morning  
welcoming sunlight


Shadow... lands

Betwixt dusk
and moonrise

Pale veil 
of evening 
beckoning the night 

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry 


Witch-wind, Witch-water, Witch fire and Witch-earth
Is all wizardry dangerous and not of this world?
Magic, gifted beings among us... though in great dearth

Making potions and lotions in cauldrons on hearth
Through concoctions of plants and herbs healing occurs
Witch-wind, Witch-water, Witch fire and Witch-earth

Through alchemistic ventures the present was birthed  
Astrology teaches, how space and time has unfurled 
Magic, gifted beings among us... though in great dearth

When sickness strikes aren’t healers held in great worth? 
Yet in the past we persecuted tortured and burned 
Witch-wind, Witch-water, Witch fire and Witch-earth

In eccentric folk often genius’s unearthed 
We fear what we don’t understand; become disturbed  
Magic, gifted beings among us... though in great dearth

Have we progressed or regressed in what we have learned? 
Loss of ancient natural wisdom is a grave concern!  
Witch-wind, Witch-water, Witch fire and Witch-earth
Magic, gifted beings among us... though in great dearth

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry

Sunday 20 October 2019

Just Like Me...

She speaks so raw, straight from the heart; she speaks of breaking free
Trapped beaneath the mirror’s sheen; imprisoned, lost in time
I'm wondering what she's thinking; I'm wondering what she sees

Someone, I’m not sure I’ve met but yet looks so familiar; someone just like me
Her words do call me like a dove from the deep canyons of her mind
She speaks so raw, straight from the heart; she speaks of breaking free

From the bitter edge of despair; she's lost and empty, destroyed on bended knee
She's teetering on the edge of sanity; she's fighting for her life 
I'm wondering what she's thinking; I'm wondering what she sees

I want to wrap her in my arms; save her from herself; reach out in empathy
Shield her from her inexorable demons; protect her from fate’s knife 
She speaks so raw, straight from the heart; she speaks of breaking free

She's searching for solace (of which I can relate) but if I touch her will she scream?
I want to give her shelter, a place where she’d feel safe... but would she, even, agree?
I'm wondering what she's thinking; I'm wondering what she sees

I'm empathic and it can be a curse; confusing others' pain with what belongs to me
I fear if I try to fix her, I may scare her... do more harm; then she'd runaway and leave
She speaks so raw, straight from the heart; she speaks of breaking free
I'm wondering what she's thinking; I'm wondering what she sees

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry 

Saturday 19 October 2019

Rhetoric Recipe

A pinch of Peter Piper's pick of audacious abject alliteration
A level ladle of legends told from Arthur's knights of dedication 
A drop of discordance from the claw of a dacnomaniacal dragon
A mug of metaphoric insight from gad Gypsy's ball within her wagon  

A thimble of tincture from the Aurora Borealis' beauteous berceuse 
An inch of inspiration from Zeus's Mnemosyne; mother to all muse
A soupçon of sorcery from Shakespeare's Prospero's books of secret 'art'
A pipet of passion from a bead of blood from the fervent Phoenix's heart 

A rap of rhetorical rhyme from the largiloquent lurid leprechaun's curses 
A tad of tone from a unicorn's Ubi Sunt tears of lamenting lackaday verses 
A dash of dactyl taken from the magnificent metric foot of a majestic millipede 
A smidgen of song filled with sibilant salutations so the Bard's spirit may take heed

 © Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry 

Find Me

Find me
In dreams, where
We can walk on stars 
Safe, enveloped by night’s vastness
Upon ebony waves of liquid Obsidian,
Lit by sequinned galaxies; shimmering from afar 
Melding darkling... we’ll become one 
Molten in moonlight 
By the

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry 
 (Both Poem and Art)
 #Fibonacci Poem


Stale sweat
And cigarettes
What has she become? 

Gaunt face 
Mind a maze
Spinning... barrel gun 

Sex wet...
Sore subject 
A burned-out once sun 

She needs
To feel their heed
Wants... to be undone 

From diseased
Putrid... shapeless form 

Good girl
Street-walk twirl
Between... she is torn 

Deep down 
Her heart frowns 
Cannot be... alone 

Out of sight...
In darkness atones

Drug fuelled 
From which she descends

Pity... state
Is this how she ends?

Time bends
Addict friends
What’s... her worth to them? 

This night 
Death-wish plight 
Her final... Amen

 © Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry 


Devils dont come from hell beneath us
They crawl from rooms within our mind 
Barred doors would be superfluous 
Shapeshifting thoughts... an epic bind 

We’re our own fiendish... nemesis  
Devils don’t come from hell beneath us
Lurk... in sanity’s crevices 
Cannibalistic... self-distrust 

Paranoia’s voice, quell we must! 
Anxiety’s chokehold release....
Devils don’t come from hell beneath us
Given power they’ll never cease 

So with self belief I’ll vanquish 
My demons, in myself I’ll trust 
All my doubt and fear relinquished 
Devils don’t come from hell.... beneath us!

© Debbie Razey 2015 - Violet Moon Poetry


In the pale wash of lonely 
Your stark branch against my sky
I hear you calling 
I hear you cry 

In the blue moan of Mondays 
Your dreams penetrate my mind 
I feel you waking
I feel you rise

In lamp-lit miles between us
Your crystal words invade my heart
I see you smiling 
I see you laugh

In embers warmed with yearning
You’re wood-tinder to my flame 
I sense your longing
I sense your pain 

In pitch of bitter darkness 
Your aurora fills my dark 
I crave your lovemaking    
I crave only... your heart

@ Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry 
  (Both Poem and Art)

Tuesday 15 October 2019


‘neath lupine moon in deep of pale
I hear flailing souls writhe and wail 
miasmic iced-chill
down my spine doth spill 
nightmare shrill ~ fear impales  

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry

Stained Glass

Your asylum chains can’t hold me now, for I have long since passed  
Criteria to be sectioned; more fragmented than stained glass
Pirouetting, chanting in the moonlight; naked... unabashed 
Pushing trollies of fine treasure, things I’ve rescued from the trash 

You see I’ve become a shadow, a mere ghost haunting these streets
Fragile, skin of crate-paper... I’m not surprised they don’t see me
When I sit in damp, foul doorways... they hurriedly walk right past
Don’t hear me say “got any change please?” look through me like I’m glass 

No one comes to check on me, you see; they do not know I’m there 
I can see it in people’s eyes... they look through me when they stare 
As I obviously don’t exist... must have no need to eat
Or to wash or to stay warm or to put shoes upon my feet

So I’ll continue to wander... knowing they won’t come for me 
After all, can’t chain spirits; if I’m not... soon be dead and free 
Your asylum chains won’t hold me now, you waited far too long 
I’ve dissipated into the ether... what did I do wrong? 

When did the world stop caring whether the homeless live or die?
Aren’t we all God’s children, even the damaged, within his eyes? 
I was mentally ill, you see, did not choose to be homeless 
I once had a job and home like you, I was once nicely dressed 
Asylum chains did not hold me; neither should they... times have changed
But did I deserve to die cold and hungry... delusional and deranged? 

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry 
   (Both Poetry and Art)

Friday 11 October 2019

Steadfast Love

No matter what I say to you
I can never... get it right 
So I imprison the words inside of me
and I let my feelings type
My heart is true and honest
but it's somehow not enough 
I bend beyond the realms of sense
with unwavering, steadfast love
In my saddened heart I know though
that this you do not recognise
Through a filter of paranoia 
daily it’s me you grow to despise 
I wonder how our journey will end; 
if we'll continue to muddle through
or if your demons will defeat us 
and if I’ll loose both me.... and you 

So, please, listen to what I’m saying 
This doesn’t have to be our end
One in which we both destroy ourselves
and into madness... we descend
For I, would steal the moon for you
to quell the darkness in your head
Leave no room for ghosts of yesteryear
Burn up in stars... every word they said
I’ll be there to hold you through the nights
To stroke your night-terrors away 
Darling, you’ll no longer have to cope alone
No more days... of being afraid 
© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry