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Wednesday 17 July 2019


you say “don’t stay then”
when I seek comfort... remorse
shun my eye contact 
as if blind to me and love 
when will we heal eye to eye 

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry

Saturday 13 July 2019

Please Take Me Back

Oh please take me back to Gigha's celestial shores, where my heart it so longs to be 

Betwixt Isla and the Kintyre peninsular; beneath vault of ultramarine 

With her sheer silver sands, lush fields of green and her jewelled sea of aquamarine

Where Achamore's rhododendron, grand shrubs grow… so effulgent; a true Eden scene 

Please take me back to Gigha's empyrean skies, where my heart it so longs to be 

With her artisan flare; delicious banquets of, bounteous, sea delicacies 

Taste her silk spun milk from isle’s ancient herds; who lackadaisically bask in sea 

Where once Vikings ventured, now the ferry visitors cross, her sound of sequinned sea

Oh please take me back to Gigha's sweet scented air, where my heart it so longs to be 

Where my mind sets at ease and my artist's soul can run free, adrift her wave-song breeze 

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry

Thursday 11 July 2019

Dear Sir...

To the neurosurgeon, who would not let me speak
So far behind schedule you had no time to greet
Even though, eighteen months, I'd waited for your time
You used my appointment to reduce your queue line 

I know I'm just a number to cross off your list
Still, your abrupt words struck me in gut like a fist
As when fired at with questions and tones of disdain
I crumbled to nothing, my mind screaming in vain  

For this is my life Sir, everyday without fail
Everyday precarious... becoming more frail
Came to you in desperation, just wanting advice
Hoping you could give me back some quality of life 

Yet, you'd no time for me, no compassion to give 
With hostile impatience drained my hope through a sieve
Left me with nothing and in worse shape than I'd come 
Performance of ego set to clocks ticking drum 

What I had wanted to ask you was all written down
Yet, when suggested you read it was met with a frown
As your time Sir, was too precious to waste aiding me
All my answers, to your questions, were right there to see 

So now I'm left traumatised worse off than before 
No place to turn now... how much more must I endure? 
Like you Sir... once was healthy, I did nothing wrong
Not of surrender... it’s one of fight, my swan song 

For you see I've a family I cannot give up 
Who, even though I'm floundering, surround me with love 
I guess I'll seek another then and rejoin the queue 
As time with my family is, to me, precious too 

So next time you're behind Sir... wanting someone to blame 
Please, remember these words, don't let it happen again
As your prey maybe that day at the end of their rope 
Without a family, energy... lost of all hope

As with your title Sir, comes responsibilities
Your paid to heal not bring vulnerable to their knees
I ask... how good is a doctor who's no time to care
Who has knowledge, experience... yet, no time to share

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry 

Saturday 6 July 2019

Insomniac Poet Heart

Insomniac Poet-heart

Silver laced words stick fast in my dream-caught thoughts 
Glint... in the tussled tendrils of the one-eyed sultry sunrise
Each dissipating, frustratingly, into the moist songbird-air

Hovering, only for a fraction of a moment, on my dry mute tongue
So I may taste bitterly, all the once possibilities.... never to be penned
Never to be heard... lost to rotate indefinitely on rhyme’s carousel 

Torn... between two plains of consciousness I hear my mind unconsciously 
Fracture my faint vail of sanity, causing me yet more complexities 
As inaudible echoes of unseen-light tease... my insomniac poet-heart

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry

Friday 5 July 2019


Priest’s crown
Lion's tooth... française ~ "dent-de-lion"
She found 
Yellow, clock flower... Taraxacum 
Mane shines
Bright sun 
Meadow king... for many an eon 
Bee shrine 
Child's fun 
Conspicuous... as great Orion 
One blow 
Set free
Seed constellation... flora's Zion 
Some sown
Some weeds
Fields ablaze... with bowed gilt-heads, sighing 
Ghost dancing florets....  demure, sheer sea
Bird call 
Serene... as far as the eye can see 

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry 

Thursday 4 July 2019

6 Years And Counting... M.E.

Horse kicks to back that never leave
Radiates down hips... to my knees
Cracked-glass ribs shatter, when I sneeze
My body temp... lava to freeze  

My brain it drills electric holes
My pain writhes, sears and Hell unfolds Weighted down on bed... chokehold  
Yet still, no help for us... I’m told

My neck too fragile for my head
I rattle now with all the meds
Despite my best, M.E.... can’t shed
Nicknamed aptly... “The Living Dead”  

Weak, limp muscles and hands that drop
Unsupported, cannot sit up
On days like this, I beg it... “STOP!”
It’s all I have... to not give up 

I lose the key to words, unlock
Life decimated... left in shock
I’m now no more than a stopped clock
Why is M.E.... fair game to mock?

My blood pressure waves, peak and trough
And yet, so called friend, still...  she scoffs
In moonlit hours I reach... ENOUGH!!!
Thank God for you of endless love 

No fuel, to eat, breathe or greet 
Reduced to putrid rotting meat
To block out sound... no easy feat 
Thundering in ears... own heartbeat 

Light also now, no friend of mine 
Spend days blacked-out... lose track of time 
Text nonsensical, blurred mazed rhyme
For all I do... I pay the fine

Yet, still I hope and dream and pray 
That my health will... return one day

That I’ll no longer live afraid  
Of living, rest of life... this way 

© Debbie Razey 2019

Wednesday 3 July 2019

Once, whimsical dream, I near breathed 
Now a mere painting in my head
Where emotive hues dance untamed 
Yet striking still... I’ve no regret 

© Debbie Razey 2019