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Thursday 22 December 2016


beneath our...
cryptic conversations
and our fractured
fear-fuelled thoughts
...somewhere lies us

a solstice moonbeam
of pure precise light
through a henge swiftly seen
was always to be
and indeed always... was

maybe our hearts hold
what our eyes
cannot bear to see
...the truth 

© Debbie Razey 2016

Tuesday 13 December 2016


As Aleppo drowns in blood... hate and tears  
The international community 
Will we do nothing... just, look on in fear? 

Brick by brick; dismembered... a long five years
Drained... the people's faith in humanity 
As Aleppo drowns in blood... hate and tears 

Whole generation... left bereft of peers 
Innocents starved, maimed murdered... ruthlessly 
Will we do nothing... just, look on in fear? 

Isn't it time we help... aid stepped up a gear 
That we, now, take responsibility
As Aleppo drowns in blood... hate and tears

If not our conscience... forever be smeared
This may be our last opportunity 
Will we do nothing... just, look on in fear? 

Please, show our children... it's love we revere
Tragedy, can be healed by unity...
As Aleppo drowns in blood... hate and tears 
Will we do nothing... just, look on in fear?

© Debbie Razey 2016 

Saturday 10 December 2016

Lest We Forget

lest we forget this

christmas... homeless souls out on 

unforgiving streets

down and out... nothing to eat

lonely... vulnerable... scared

alone... with no one to care!

© Debbie Razey 2016 

Wednesday 7 December 2016


mansuetude in your 
touch and your too few, stark, words 
is sadly... sorely
lacking but darling I see
beyond triviality 
grace... beauty in your actions 

© Debbie Razey 2016

Friday 2 December 2016


alone... but together we must stand 
enabled through empathy... to understand 
we're all trying our best... though it's often tough 
life's like the ocean... sometimes unkind and rough 
so, with grace and without judgement... let us stand tall
for without each other, we've truly nothing... at all!

© Debbie Razey 2016